
Autobrite Leather Cleanse 500ML – Leðurhreinsir


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Flokkar ,
  • Hentugt fyrir allar tegundir af leðri hvort sem í bílnum eða heima við
  • Virkar mjög vel á margskonar bletti
  • Spreyjað í klút og þurrkað 
  • Mjög öflugur og pH neutral leðurhreinsir
  • Gefur frá sér mjög góðan ilm
  • Þurrkar ekki upp leðrið

Cleanse er pH neutral hreinsir sem hreinsar bletti og rákir úr öllu leðri.


Upplýsingar frá framleiðanda

Product Description

Cleanse is a safe, pH neutral Leather cleaner that removes dirt, grime, makeup, mud, clothing stains, milk, oil, jam, sticky sweets from your delicate Leather surfaces.

Cleanse is a powerful, yet gentle cleaner that will tackle the most stubborn, ingrained dirt from the surface leaving a lovely Leather fragrance.

Cleanse is ideal and safe to be used on all leather surfaces which include all modern & vintage delicate leather surfaces. Cleanse quickly penetrates into the leather surface and removes ingrained dirt and grime effectively without removing any of the leathers natural oils.

Cleanse is also used throughout the Land Rover plant in Liverpool based in the UK.


Product Features

  • Suitable for all leather surfaces including car and house leather seats
  • Cleans and removes a multitude of stains
  • Simply apply onto a clean microfibre and wipe
  • Powerful and safe PH Neutral leather cleanser
  • Superior Leather cleaner that cleans and smells great
  • Will not strip essential oils from the leather surface reducing the chance of cracking.
Frí heimsending ef keypt er fyrir 15.000kr eða meira.

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