
Autobrite Black Dye Fyrir Plast og Teppi


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Gerðu plastið, teppið og blæjuna eins og nýja með Black Dye frá Autobrite


Upplýsingar frá framleiðanda

Product Description

A fantastic all round staining dye used by the professional Valeters & Detailers. Used mainly for staining door cards, soft tops, bumpers, dash boards, and of course carpets.

Product Features

  • Used for staining soft tops, bumpers, dash boards, door cards and fabrics.
  • Apply by a sponge or brush to rejuvenate faded areas
  • Gloves and masks should be worn when using this product
  • Water resistant and quick drying

How to use

Apply with a brush or sponge to rejuvenate faded plastics and carpets. Please wear protective masks and gloves with this product.

Please note multiple coats may be required when attempting to change the colour of a surface rather than recolouring an existing black surface.

Frí heimsending ef keypt er fyrir 15.000kr eða meira.

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